Wednesday, 4 May 2016

The Bible, Faith and the World

From an interesting book, Oser la rencontre: Foi et psychanalyse, 1911, Médiaspaul, p. 99:
"Encore trop de gens pensent que la foi est contenu dans la Bible, alors que la foi véritable nous propose plutôt de voir le monde comme un livre que la Bible nous apprend à lire, à écouter, à déchiffrer. N'est-elle pas la première et la plus lumineuse des interprétations ?"
I translate this as :
"Still far too many people think that faith is contained in the Bible, whereas real faith invites us to look at the world as a book that the Bible teaches us to read, to unravel. Is it not the first and most light-filled of interpretations"

The same thing could be said, I think, of Church teaching. It helps us interpret the world and it is the world that is the first book or Word of God. I think we have a lot of work to do to get this across and to use it ourselves.

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