Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Axial Times Series

      I do a fair bit of translating, mostly from Spanish into English. The Latin American Agenda is probably the best known work I translate for. It is coordinated by a Catalan priest working out of Panama, José María Vigil. You can access it at  http://latinoamericana.org/English/ You will notice that a printed version is available from Dunamis Publications, that I coordinate. The past editions are available by clicking at the designated spot at the bottom of the page. It is a remarkable tool for adult education on a wide variety of topics. Each edition has 50 contributors from Latin America, many of them extremely well known like Leonardo Boff and Jose Comblin.

       There is also a remarkable series of five volumes on the theology of religious pluralism that can be located at http://tiempoaxial.org/AlongTheManyPaths/  It was a project of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians and also coordinated by Vigil. I did a large chunk of the translations into English. At this point I am working on the final articles of the fourth volume -- whose translation kind of got lost at one point. In any case you will see it there. I just finished the translation of Faustino Teixeira's wonderful survey of the literature in Brazil. It is a good article to get a sense of the state of the question.The article starts on page 17.  See http://tiempoaxial.org/AlongTheManyPaths/EATWOT-AlongTheManyPathsIV-Bilingual.pdf to download this bilingkual edition which contains a small contribution also on my part. 
     Finally, José María pulled together an amazing array of theologians for a book in honour and support of Jon Sobrino SJ who was being questioned by the Vatican a few years back. The book is a gem and I am proud to have a very modest contribution there.  See http://servicioskoinonia.org/LibrosDigitales/LDK/EATWOTGettingThePoorDown.pdf
      If you read Spanish, I would highly recommend taking at look at http://servicioskoinonia.org. It is a rich source of faith reflection, especially the theological library: RelAT.

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