Sunday, 1 January 2017

Trump: What to do

The hysteria about the election of Trump as president largely misses the point. Yes, he is dangerously impulsive, horribly narcissistic, incompetent, arrogant – and all the rest. Yes, he can and is already showing clear signs of actually doing enormous harm to the people of the United States and of the rest of the world. But, that is not the point. Many nations, in fact most nations, in the world have had, at some point, someone like Trump at the helm. There are so many examples in recent history and examples could be traced all the way back into ancient times. Damage has been done, tragedies occurred. But, at some time also, they fall from power and the people readjust, perhaps somewhat wiser—for a time!

Trump will do harm; the people will be watchful; some may find the means to limit the damage and perhaps even remove him from office. Rather than ranting about how awful he is, the people need to be paying attention to how he can be restrained or even removed and, in the meantime, we must do what we can to protect the most vulnerable and sustain the best of life around us.

Trump can do enormous damage. However, after his four or eight years, life will take another turn just as it has so many times in the past after a totally incompetent or brutal leader has ruled. Life and the society that nourishes it will continue.

What is important is to pay attention to the political and cultural system that brought him to power and to readjust that system so that there are safeguards. There will certainly be a need to reconsider the constitutional and political mechanisms that made the election of such a man possible.

Surely we can deal with the long-term health of society rather than ranting about what a terrible man he is. There is hard work ahead for all of us during these next few years to limit the harm, protect people and prepare for what comes afterward. 

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