Thursday, 25 October 2012

Honduran True Commission Publishes its Final Report

In 2009 a State coup expelled the democratically elected president of Honduras from the country. For the first time in many years, the people were not passive. They rose in revolt and the repression was horrific. Even now it continues, well below the headlines of world media.
A high level commission was estabished a couple of years ago to investigate human rights abuses during and after the coup. It has just published its report. An English version will eventually be published but for now it is only in Spanish.
It is a long report (over 300 pages) and it is extrremely well done. After a lengthy exposition of the political economic and social history of Honduras in recent decades, it analyses various categories of human rights abuses and, most of all, their impact on the individuals, on certain sectors of society and on society as a whole. It concludes with a number of recommendations for changes and investigations that would provide support to the victims and a framework to assure that the wave of abuse does not continue or repeat itself.  Perhaps later I will be able to provide a more detailed summary. For now, and for those who read Spanish, I offer you a link to the document as a whole: here  Even by Latin American standards this is a horrific story.

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